Tuesday, May 19, 2015

Final Project

Final Project for Emerging Technologies
For our final in Emerging technologies, we had to make a Prezi, infographic, family tree, interview two family members, and write an e-mail to family members to get information. For my first interview, I interviewed my grandma. Here is the link to my first interview- https://docs.google.com/document/d/1sk8wpR6yqob2CeTH5LP6EXuU26FYtSp1StUnCHiEf04/edit?usp=sharing

For my second interview, I interviewed my uncle. Here is the link to my second interview-https://docs.google.com/document/d/1Z-p0QOdi7PPGwWo_Gf9UFKRvR45FBL3J2EwBsPR2H2Y/edit?usp=sharing

For the family tree, we had to make I used Family Echo. Here is the link to my family tree- http://www.familyecho.com/?p=START&c=xsh0l335h7&f=286020562781329333

The infographic I made using Piktochart. Here is my Piktochart-
The e-mail I wrote and sent to my family members I made on Google Drive. Here is the link to my e-mail- https://docs.google.com/document/d/1Oi5pbcQMTOh2BEcEnC_dcHsIhHMUEu4QVwZ8woqFpuw/edit?usp=sharing

Here is my Prezi on Pruitt Family History-